Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Past

“The past is the portion of time that has already occurred; it is the opposite of the future.

The past is contrasted with the present. It is also regarded as the conglomerate of events that happened in a certain point in time, within the Space-time continuum.”

That is the generic Wikipedia description of THE PAST, a period that has already occurred. Lost time, old story, history, time long gone, that is the PAST.

The Past is an interesting period to reflect on for each and every one of us. It is a part of our lives which some of us have had regrets, some have wished and are still wishing that it could be deleted, and some would love to visit time and again because of its nostalgic moments.

For some individuals, The Past holds the secrets of the skeletons in their closets. It is a threshold of memories they would not dare to remember again. The Past may seem ugly to some people maybe because of some things they did and regretted doing, of the events they never wished they had experienced, and of the people they hope they never met.

Other people however, think of The Past as a treasure trove where they keep their happy memories. Who would not love to remember those good times when they were so elated and in good spirits? Who would not love to recall past achievements and glorious moments? Good memories always bring smiles to dull moments of the present.

It has been said many times that the past is where we learn from and it will serve as our guide in the present in order for us to reach the future.

Some of us have learned from the past especially from experiences which we do not want to be repeated. Who would want to have bad experiences all over again? However, there are some of us who keep repeating mistakes. Why? I don’t really know… Maybe some people love the thrill of getting attention for doing stupid stuff…

Some of us have left people from the past in the past yet some of us are entertaining people long gone who are now back in our lives again. Strange things like these happen because some of us want to make amends with enemies, rekindle old friendships, and start things over. Why? I don’t really know… To work out some Karma I suppose… In psychology, they call it working out unresolved issues…

Why the hell am I writing this post? I don’t really know… It could be because I am currently doing some things I used to do in the past and have stopped doing for a loooong time (like blogging…). It could be because there are some people from the past who are back in my life to work out some karma with me and I suppose they will be staying until the future comes.

It could be because I am kind of autistic and I am not totally aware of what I am babbling about…

1 comment:

alex said...

I like this post...

"The past" ..
Is the reason why/how/what/who we are now in the present and in the future.....

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