Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mind-Boggling Old News

My friend Bevs sent me a link to this mind-boggling old news... It's old news since the report's date is 1 Feb 2007 yet the content still catches attention... It's PR 3...



It seems like a load of bull to see such a headline eh???

This then "new" hair stuff is made from bull's cum...yeah you read that right! The hairdresser in London who developed it got inspired by that "hair gel" scene from There's Something About Mary... If you haven't seen the movie yet...well...your hair will definitely stand on end when you see that scene! Hahaha!

The so-called £55 "product" is used for a 45-minute conditioning treatment and it is made from the semen of thoroughbred Aberdeen Angus bulls. It is guaranteed to make the hair shiny. Eeeyuck!

The hairdresser said that it is an "organic" treatment which doesn't leave a bad smell on the hair. 8-|



Next time, when you go for a hair treatment in the salon, make sure what kind of product they use on your head...


WARSHOCK said...

maybe that's just commercial hype, friend. how are they going to market that, BULL EXTRACT, what about mass production?
that's going take a lot of bull_ __...
anyway added you to my friends/link. nice xchange and happy blogging.

Angela MP said...

hahaha i dunno...

but if you've read the original article you'll be surprised to find out that the developer of the product is so convinced of his stuff...LOL!

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